Free Bookkeeping Clean Up Checklist

When you’ve reconciled your cash accounts, do the same for any lines of credit. Be sure to record any interest paid on lines of credit as an expense, and keep an eye out for especially unusual activity, such as negative balances. As with your cash accounts, plan to reconcile each credit account once a month going forward.

Before the year is through, organizing your records gives you time to go over financial options that can help you reduce your season’s taxable revenue. Once each document is accounted for, you can send it (or a copy) quickly to its final destination. Sometimes it’s convenient to pull out a personal credit card or cash.

Get started today, and consider it an investment in your future success. Organize all of your receipts and invoices so that they’re easily accessible. We recommend using a cloud-based accounting software to safely store your financial documents. Whether you’re preparing for your annual tax return or filing quarterly taxes, accurate and organized bookkeeping is critical.

None will be as important as verifying your cash flow against source documents, but each of them contributes to an accurate picture of your business and its true value. Adjusting entries are key for making sure you record transactions in the right accounting period. Again, you must make them after finding data entry errors and reconciling your books. Software like QuickBooks Online will automatically reconcile accounts if you’ve given the software access to automatic feeds. However, the reconciliation should still be reviewed for accuracy and compared to bank statements. The heart of the bookkeeping process is to ensure your clients’ financial records are complete and accurate.

  1. A great help to clean-up bookkeeping significantly throughout the year and at the end of the year.
  2. Enjoy accounting support specifically tailored to your business needs.
  3. Resist the urge because this practice can create a quagmire that blurs the line between your finances and the finances of your business.
  4. Bookkeeping is the process of recording the financial transactions of your business, classifying those transactions by type, and organizing them into a single book of record.

It’s easy enough for minor problems and chronic oversights to go unnoticed for years, but it’s all too easy for them to snowball into serious issues. The accounts used in your accounting software, such as assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses, are listed in your chart of accounts. Your chart of accounts will be more logically ordered and understandable if you clean it up.

And this can be very helpful when making decisions about the future of your business. This is a list of all the account balances in your accounting system, and it can be used to identify any discrepancies. This means recording them in the same way each time, and using the same system for all transactions. Your vendors only trust you as much as you are forthcoming with your payments. Hence, check all your vendor invoices and check if you’ve missed any payments.

How often do you reconcile your accounting accounts (e.g., assets)? If you don’t reconcile your books with your external account balances (e.g., bank account), you’re going to be left with bad books. To fix bad books due to errors of omission, comb through your records (e.g., receipts). The next step in your bookkeeping cleanup checklist is to reconcile your bank statements. Take a look at your bank statements over the course of the timeframe you are working on.

You may receive your client information as a physical or electronic file.

A Quick Historical Bookkeeping Clean Up

Start by obtaining copies of your bank statements for the period you’re cleaning up. These can usually be downloaded from your online banking platform explain lifo reserve and lifo liquidation or requested from your bank. By gathering and organizing your financial documents, you’ll have a solid foundation for the clean-up process.

How Automating Your Bookkeeping Can Help You Stay on Track

Comparing your bank statements to your accounting software to ensure all transactions are appropriately recorded is reconciling your bank accounts. So mark a day on your calendar, set an alarm, or get an accounting accountability buddy and regularly sit down with your finances. You can use this bookkeeping cleanup checklist to help you stay on track.

Messy, incomplete, and inaccurate bookkeeping can lead to a slew of issues that cost more than just time. Bad bookkeeping can also lead to hefty IRS penalties and (gasp!) audits. We’re ready to get started if you need to clean up your books and establish a long-term strategy for accurate financial reporting. Zeni preserves a historical copy of client data, ensuring GAAP compliance and matching records accurately with bank records, investment records, and other documentation. Our platform also offers user-friendly access to comparative data over your business’s operational lifespan, providing essential information about long-term growth.

Collect all your financial records

Be sure you understand the cleanup plan before allowing execution to begin. It might have seemed efficient to have invoices sent directly to one department, billing statements to another, expense reports to still another, and so on. But internal efficiency isn’t your biggest problem at this point.

Before we jump into this accounting project, you should get to know your opening equity account. This is a holding account on the equity side of the balance sheet. As you start entering transactions from past accounting periods, you will see a balance in this account. It’s a trial balance for net income, once you finalize bookkeeping you will transfer this balance to your other equity accounts. While you can do catch up bookkeeping yourself, hiring a professional may save you time and money in the long run, ensuring accuracy and reducing the risk of any tax-related issues. Catch up bookkeeping and bookkeeping clean up are used interchangeably to describe the process of getting your financial records organized and up-to-date.

Bookkeeping Cleanup Checklist: Six Steps to Get Caught Up

Some of these tools can even automatically categorize transactions based on past patterns and trends, saving you even more time and effort. If you come across any transactions that are missing or require additional information, gather the necessary details and update your records accordingly. This may include adding customer names, project details, or expense descriptions. For more complex issues or discrepancies that you can’t resolve immediately, consider seeking help from a professional bookkeeper or accountant. They can provide valuable insights and guidance in resolving more complex financial discrepancies.

Failing to record every transaction throws off your books (aka bad bookkeeping!). Quick fixes, like relying on spreadsheets or delaying record keeping, may seem like a good idea in the short term. But they can lead to missing or inaccurate financial information, which will hurt your business potential now and when it comes time to sell. This will catch any transaction posted to an account after it has been reconciled and avoid messes for everyone. By reconciling your bank statements, you can ensure that your books are accurate and up-to-date. This information can be helpful when making decisions about the future of your business.

So whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been doing bookkeeping for years, follow this simple bookkeeping clean-up checklist to get your records in order. Besides investing in useful accounting software, you can use a monthly bookkeeping checklist to ensure nothing falls through the cracks. Your team will breeze through their assignments and quickly see what’s completed. Let’s look at some tasks you can add to your monthly bookkeeping checklist that will ensure your firm is more profitable and ready for scalable growth. We have worked on 100’s of projects rapidly rebuilding financial records. Our accounting team provides a white glove experience where your finances are handled with speed and accuracy.