Drew Barrymore Says That Going Alcohol-Free “Has Been One of the Most Liberating Things in My Journey of Life”

My relationships with my close friends and family have improved tremendously. I am a much happier and healthier person to be around, and that makes a difference. I have learned how to communicate my needs and create boundaries, and I have more to give to others. 90% of my relationships have improved since going alcohol-free. The few that didn’t withstand the change were painful to move away from, but ultimately necessary for my own healing.

An alcohol-free lifestyle thrives off of self-awareness. Get REAL with yourself about what you want, don’t want, and why taking a break from alcohol matters. When I first quit drinking, I made a habit out of going to the gym.

Saving Money From Not Buying Alcohol

My guest today is Kayla Lyons, who is the 28-year-old founder of 1000 hours dry and the host of The Dry Life podcast. She stopped drinking https://ecosoberhouse.com/article/10-major-physical-signs-of-alcoholism-to-watch-out-for/ at 23 years old, which is incredibly young. The first step in living a life without alcohol is to admit that you have a problem.

And I knew, you know, it’s good to have that great big large support system. But you know, when it comes to things, I think, when you’re going through something hard, or when you really need people to relate to, um, to find people who are even more like you. So it was really important for me to have, we have a women’s page, we have a men’s page, we have an LGBTQIA page, we have a biopic page. And these are all run by people who are actually in those communities and who actually identify as Um, as those chapters, you know, and we’re working on meetings, and so it’s really an all-encompassing community.

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Going alcohol-free later in life supports your overall well-being as you age, just the same as a certain eating or exercise plan. Going alcohol-free can be just like going gluten-free. You make a plan not to drink alcohol, and you practice that plan daily. Going alcohol-free isn’t about the finish line, it’s about self-discovery, adventure and finding a new way to live. Excessive drinking triggers hot flashes, affects your emotional balance, and induces poor sleep. Alcohol can also strip you of nutrients such as magnesium and calcium, which you need most during menopause.

alcohol free lifestyle

Now, after five years of sobriety, I know this couldn’t be further from the truth. Getting rid of alcohol was the portal to living my best life, the complete opposite of what I was expecting. I am so excited to share a few reasons why I love living an alcohol-free lifestyle. Helping high performers feel & perform better by reducing or quitting alcohol. Maybe you’re considering to quit alcohol and go completely sober. Or maybe you wish to simply change your relationship to alcohol and stop drinking.

Alcohol-Free Ways to Unwind at the End of a Long Day

Despite her challenges, Barrymore admits that she “wouldn’t change a thing” about her past. Barrymore said in a 2021 interview on the YouTube show 4D with Demi Lovato, “That younger person really got an understanding how it can really all go ‘poof’ … I’m so happy, and loved, and scared of my life being any different.” “One alcohol free lifestyle of the bravest things you can do is slay those dragons and finally change an awful cycle in which you’ve found yourself stuck,” Barrymore continues, according to Entertainment Tonight. “For me, it was to stop drinking.” This shift has allowed her to remove herself from “the torture of guilt and dysfunction,” she adds.

alcohol free lifestyle

Growing older is inevitable, and you can’t stop the aging process; but combining aging with sobriety will help you remain vibrant, do the things you love, and continue to achieve your goals. Most women going through menopause tell me that they can’t drink as much as they used to without hangovers and suffering the consequences. Alcohol also accelerates the aging process and increases your vulnerability to health complications.

And, you know, the millennial generation, my generation Gen Z, I think we’re a lot more conscious about what we’re consuming, and sometimes we go overboard. And so, you know, when I think about, you know, and not whenever I say 50 years ago, I keep thinking, it’s like, 2000 Yeah, I’m like, crap, it’s 2021. I’m like, so really, like seven years ago, like, I always reference like the 1950s, like mad men, you know, everyone’s smoking inside, everybody’s drinking right in the morning.

  • And we and we also have chapters, because I felt it was really important.
  • No more ‘Sunday Scaries’ when going back to work on Monday.
  • Like I was always told, like, you are so smart, you are so pretty You are so this, and then you really come to believe that this is what I am, this is this identifies me right.
  • Yeah, and that’s exactly what it is, right?