Federal Register :: Employee or Independent Contractor Classification Under the Fair Labor Standards Act

The Department declines commenter requests to provide any industry-specific or occupation-wide exemptions or carve-outs to this rule. As explained elsewhere, the Department intends these regulations to apply to a broad range of work relationships and will continue to assess the need for more specific subregulatory guidance. In sum, the Department’s rulemaking to rescind and replace the 2021 IC Rule is motivated, in part, by an assessment that the guidance provided here will likely benefit workers as a whole, including those workers at risk of being misclassified as independent contractors as well as those who are appropriately classified as independent contractors.

  • Commenter feedback on the proper articulation of each factor in the economic reality test is described in greater detail in section V.
  • Retained earnings are a firm’s cumulative net earnings or profit after accounting for dividends.
  • Such tools could be used directly by the employer or on their behalf to supervise the performance of the work.
  • In these cases, there are a variety of tools for fraudulent inventory overstatement, such as reducing any inventory loss reserves, overstating the value of inventory components, overcounting inventory items, overallocating overhead, and so forth.
  • By understanding the implications of overstated reporting and taking necessary preventive measures, organizations can protect their reputation, maintain stakeholder confidence, and contribute to the overall trust and credibility of the financial system.
  • Yet, the Department recognizes that where the employer collects information that then is used for the purposes of supervision and thus goes beyond information collection, that may be probative of an employer’s control under this factor.

In addition, a comment from two fellows at the Heritage Foundation suggested that this example was ambiguous because it was unclear if all the facts in the example, including the worker’s investment in equipment, office space, and marketing, were required for the analysis. Because picking tomatoes is an integral part of farming tomatoes, and the company is in the business of farming direct allocation method tomatoes, the tomato pickers are integral to the company’s business. In addition, DoorDash suggested that the type of flexibility its workers possess is fundamentally different from the flexibility an employee may obtain from an employer. Overstating assets and revenues falsely reflects a financially stronger company by inclusion of fictitious asset costs or artificial revenues.

D. The Benefits of Replacing the Part 795 Regulations on Employee or Independent Contractor Status

Accordingly, the Department no longer views the concerns articulated in the 2021 IC Rule as impediments to using the economic reality test formulated by the courts and the Department’s longstanding guidance. The Department believes this rule is more grounded in the ultimate inquiry of whether a worker is in business for themself or is economically dependent on the employer for work. Workers, employers, and independent businesses should benefit from affirmative regulatory guidance from the Department further developing the concept of economic dependence and how each economic reality factor is probative of whether the worker is economically dependent on the employer for work or is in business for themself. The Department continues to believe, however, that the examples provided in the NPRM currently provide the greatest value by residing in the preamble to the final rule following the detailed discussion of the relevant factor. In this way, the examples can provide a capstone for each section’s discussion of the relevant economic reality factor, rather than being disconnected from that discussion and appearing only in regulatory text.

  • In addition, a comment from two fellows at the Heritage Foundation suggested that this example was ambiguous because it was unclear if all the facts in the example, including the worker’s investment in equipment, office space, and marketing, were required for the analysis.
  • This rule will not have tribal implications under Executive Order that require a tribal summary impact statement.
  • In this lesson we’ll look at the effects of inventory errors on companies, both with respect to profits and how the error should be recorded.
  • The per-entity rule familiarization cost for independent contractors, some of whom would be small businesses, is $11.73 or the median hourly wage of independent contractors in the CWS multiplied by 0.5 hour.
  • Moreover, industry- or profession-specific examples relaying how a worker’s ultimate classification would be resolved are best addressed in subregulatory guidance after the issuance of this final rule as necessary.
  • 4A’s requested that specific industries, such as “video production professionals, web designers, freelance writers, [and] fashion workers” be included as examples.

Making larger provisions for profit-eroding expenses presents an opportunity to minimize them afterward, enabling the company to overstate income in a later period and provide a cushion for future results. Additionally, as discussed in section VII.B., the Department estimates that there are 22.1 million independent contractors. Some of these independent contractors may be considered small businesses and may also be impacted by this rule. Other commenters had concerns regarding the examples or suggested alterations to various examples. For instance, the CA Chamber suggested that the investment factor example was confusing since the relative investments of a graphic designer would be dwarfed by a design firm, leading to different outcomes depending on whether the graphic designer worked for a large firm or a sole proprietor.

Suppose you know that around 10 percent of accounts receivable goes unpaid every quarter. It’s safe to use that as a bad debt allowance, and then correct your financial statements if you’re wrong. If, instead, you set a 1 percent bad debt allowance knowing that was an understatement, you could end up in trouble for reporting false information. The Department has reviewed this rule in accordance with Executive Order regarding federalism and determined that it does not have federalism implications. The rule will not have substantial direct effects on the States, on the relationship between the National Government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government. It is closely related with ending inventory cost, which is the amount of money spent to get these goods Online Accounting in stock.

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The Department’s response to commenter feedback on the potential economic consequences of this rulemaking is discussed in the regulatory impact analysis provided in section VII. However, the Department continues to believe that proper application of the FLSA in the modern economy requires the flexibility of an economic reality test that does not predetermine the probative value of particular factors and which is adaptable to different industries and workers. As further explained in sections III.C and VII, commenter assertions of economic disruption related to this rulemaking are belied by the fact that this rulemaking merely aligns the Department’s interpretive guidance with the same legal standard courts have been applying for decades—and are continuing to apply today.

The Department further believes that comparing types of investments is indicative of whether a worker is economically dependent on the employer for work or is in business for themself. In accounting, financial statements provide a snapshot of a company’s financial health, including its assets, liabilities, and equity. These statements, such as the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, provide vital information for decision-making and evaluating a company’s performance.

Meaning Of Overstated

For this to be the case, the worker must have a real opportunity to take the action and make an independent business decision indicating managerial skill to not take the action. Regardless, no one action or lack of action should determine whether this factor indicates employee or independent contractor status; the Department identifies in the regulatory text a number of possibly relevant facts, and other relevant facts may be considered too. The Department is rescinding and replacing regulations addressing whether workers are employees or independent contractors under the FLSA.

Example of the Effect of Understated Ending Inventory

The Department continues to believe, consistent with case law, that a potential employer’s general control over the prices or rates for services—paid to the workers or set by the employer—is indicative of employee status. When an entity other than the worker sets a price or rate for the goods or services offered by the worker, or where the worker simply accepts a predetermined price or rate without meaningfully being able to negotiate it, this is relevant under the control factor. As such, the Department declines to create a carve-out for certain business models or industries, as requested by some commenters, although the Department emphasizes that this position is intended to be consistent with the case law on this issue and is not creating a novel interpretation.

The following charts and examples should help you with understanding how inventory errors impact the financial statements. After 2020, as noted above, the error would have corrected itself, so no adjustment would be required. However, the 2019 financial statements used for comparative purposes in future years would have to be restated to reflect the correct amounts of inventory and cost of goods sold. A new business buys $1 million of merchandise during a year, and records ending inventory of $100,000, which results in a cost of goods sold of $900,000. However, the ending inventory was undercounted by $30,000, so the ending inventory balance should have been $130,000, which means that the cost of goods sold should have been $870,000.

For the reasons explained in the NPRM and detailed in section III, the Department concludes that it is appropriate to rescind the 2021 IC Rule and set forth an analysis for determining employee or independent contractor status under the Act that is more consistent with existing judicial precedent and the Department’s longstanding guidance prior to the 2021 IC Rule. (2) The six factors described in paragraphs (b)(1) through (6) of this section should guide an assessment of the economic realities of the working relationship and the question of economic dependence. Consistent with a totality-of-the-circumstances analysis, no one factor or subset of factors is necessarily dispositive, and the weight to give each factor may depend on the facts and circumstances of the particular relationship. As explained in section VII.C., the Department considered all of the comments received on this topic and has increased the regulatory familiarization cost estimate for this rule to 1 hour for firms and 30 minutes for independent contractors, who may be small businesses themselves. The Department believes that this time estimate is appropriate because it represents an average, in which some small businesses will spend more time reviewing the rule and others will spend no time reviewing.

Digital tools are many times developed, controlled, and deployed to assist in (or independently conduct) supervision in ways that would have otherwise required in-person oversight. Like monitoring, an employer may collect data on business operations for purposes unrelated to its relationship to workers. Yet, the Department recognizes that where the employer collects information that then is used for the purposes of supervision and thus goes beyond information collection, that may be probative of an employer’s control under this factor.

Ways to Prevent Overstating Financial Statements

Regarding the economic reality factors, this final rule returns to the longstanding framing of investment as a separate factor, and integral as an integral part of the potential employer’s business rather than an integrated unit of production. The final rule also provides broader discussion of how scheduling, remote supervision, price setting, and the ability to work for others should be considered under the control factor, and it allows for consideration of reserved rights while removing the provision in the 2021 IC Rule that minimized the relevance of retained rights. As to those comments stating that the proposed rule was not well-suited to the modern economy, the Department disagrees.